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Need Prayer?


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Prayer is key in the life of all Christians. We pray to a God who listens intently, like a Father listening to His children.  Whether we get an immediate response or not, we know that He has heard us.  Scripture tells us to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) and here at New Beginnings, we believe in the power of prayer.


If you have a prayer concern or praise you would like added to our prayer list, you may submit a request at left.  Upon receiving your request, a member of our prayer team, or the Pastor, will get in touch with you.  All information that we receive will be kept confidential, and only shared with those given consent in your submission.  As always, we covet direct interaction with you on any prayer request, but understand when this is your best mode for sharing something with us.  We will get back to you as soon as we can, but thank you for your trust in us in this matter.  

Instructions: Please provide an email address or phone number. If you don't have one of these or only want to provide us with one of these, please put N/A in the other field. Then please indicate to us the level of confidentiality of this message (required) and if possible, a level of importance. If we don't receive contact information, we may disregard your message as spam. Thanks!

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