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Lessons with our Children's Teachers

Moms and daughters meeting at the Myersville Fire Hall on the Second Thursday each month at 6:00pm.



 The Boat of Safety - Jesus


Christian Education                                                                                                6/2023

The children have had fun over the last few weeks, singing, playing, praying, and most of all learning about our Lord, Jesus Christ. We have journeyed through Lent, Easter, Pentacost, The First Church, Saul to Paul and his Journey's growing in faith and learning about miracles and being Fishers of men. Miss Donna and Miss Terry bring more than a lesson they bring an experience.  We celebrated Easter recognizing His sacrifice for our salvation and Joy for the promise of eternal life.  Please pray for our children, those here and far to know him and grow personally in relationship with our Lord. We are grateful for the new Sunday School room suited with children's chairs and table. Children learning of time, patience, and obedience prepares them in faith with knowing Jesus is coming. We smile as we have a new beginning rolling back to Genesis next month. 

All children are welcome to join Sunday mornings during worship for more adventures through the Bible.   At any time during the service the nursery to the rear of the sanctuary is available as needed for quiet space.  It is equipped with a pew, a rocking chair, a window and a speaker so the message can be both seen and heard. During a designated time in the worship service, children are dismissed from the sanctuary with a teacher(s) and invited to attend downstairs in the Sunday School room. Thank you to all the parents, grandparents, and friends in playing a critical role in your children’s Christian education.


In The Beginning.....


God's children gathered the last few months, singing, praying, coloring, crafting and most of all learning about our God. We have journeyed through the book of Genesis, the Beginning, Noah, the tall Tower of Babble, Abraham, Issaac, Jacob, how Joseph saves his family and more.  We now embark into adventures through Exodus and learning about the Wordless Book, and the most important book of their lives, the Bible. We are excited as we  keep our eyes fixed on Jesus during this special  time of year with Thanksgiving and celebrating the birth of our Savour.  Please pray for our children, those here and far to know him and grow personally in relationship with our Lord. We give thanks and glory for sending the children to learn, follow, and carry the light into the world. 

All children are welcome to join Sunday mornings during worship for more adventures through the Bible.   At any time during the service the nursery to the rear of the sanctuary is available as needed for quiet space.  It is equipped with a pew, a rocking chair, a window and a speaker so the message can be both seen and heard. During a designated time in the worship service, children are dismissed from the sanctuary with a teacher(s) and invited to attend downstairs in the Sunday School room.Thank you to all the parents, grandparents, and friends in playing a critical role in your children’s Christian education. Blessings.


Girls Everywhere Meeting the Savior

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