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        Come Worship with Us!

We would love to have you!

Sunday Service

Sunday School:  9:30 am

Worship Service : 10:20 am

Location: Middletown Valley Seventh Day Adventist Church

1811 Arnold Road

Jefferson, MD 21755


A Few Words About Us

       The congregants of New Beginnings Covenant Brethren Church are simple, kind, God-fearing people who strive to walk according to the Lord's ways.  We come from all over the Frederick/Hagerstown area,  with our deepest roots in the Myersville and Wolfsville areas.  Our weekly services involve fellowshipping as a church family and learning how to walk daily with our Lord.  

          Our church family is fairly young, with diverse backgrounds.  Some have been in church their whole lives, while others  never attended church before coming to New Beginnings.  That said, we all share a sincere passion for following God's Word wholly in our daily lives.  We are about following the Holy Spirit, not man's traditions.  If you attend New Beginnings you are sure to feel  welcomed and receive the word of God which brings fullness to life.  

          We care most about the Lord and His people.  We hope you can join us Sundays in our endeavor to become God's family and the full body of Christ!


Our Pastor

Pastor Karen is an ordained minister under the Covenant Brethren Denomination and has been shepherding for the last few years, though having a lifetime of preparation.  Pastor Karen has been married 42 years and is the mother of four, now adult, children.  Of those she has seven grandchildren.  She enjoys caring for others and helping them grow in their walk with the Lord.  Ever since she was a young girl she has felt a call towards ministry but has never known what exactly the Lord was calling her towards.  A few years back she felt His hand leading her to pursue that call in a pastoral role.  Moving past her uncertainties, she took a leap of faith and began classes.  After 3 years she received her pastoral license.  After only a short time of pulpit supply for local churches, she was developing into quite the preacher, confirming this was God's call on  her life.  Everything she had done up to this point, whether it be raising 4 kids, serving on Christian Education and Aglow Ministry teams, or her daily interaction with clients in her cleaning business, was a part of God's molding process.  The Potter's work was coming to fruition.  She'll often recite these words of wisdom to fellow believers, "the days of preparation are never wasted."  While it was in no way easy, she will tell you it was well worth it because now she is fully equipped to handle the job while enjoying it to its fullest.  Looking back its been about 5 years since she started on this journey.  While there have been her fair share of bumps in the road along the way, everyone will tell you that she has remained committed to the Lord throughout all of it.  Its her faith in Him and His love for her that have allowed her to remain steadfast throughout all of it.  Pastor Karen is anointed and appointed by God to serve as Pastor, and New Beginnings couldn't be happier to have her.

Pastor Karen

Other things Pastor Karen enjoys doing are working in her flower beds, reading, baking, and spending time with her family, especially her little grandchildren.  Favorite memories or hers over the past 5 years of pastoring have been the recent baptisms that she's led. When asked about her favorite part of the job she will tell you that she loves interacting with the people one-on-one.   Despite having the gifts she does, not many at her stage in life would have accepted the call to become a full-time pastor.  However, to her, there is nothing greater than to still be of use to the Lord and to fulfill His purposes. Though a difficult job at times, she has set her mind on things above, and is pressing on to win the prize: to one day stand face-to-face with her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in His everlasting Kingdom.

Our Beliefs

  • We believe the original writings of the Old and New Testaments are fully inspired by God and are without error, completely trustworthy and authentic. We believe God has faithfully preserved His Word throughout all generations and that it is fully authoritative and final. We believe that it is our ultimate source for all information about our Almighty God, the world He has created, and is our sole rule of faith and practice.
  • We Believe in one Almighty, Holy God who is the Creator of all things. We believe that Jesus is the Christ who is the only true Son of God. We believe in the Holy Trinity, God the Father, God the Son, and the Holy Spirit who lives within us. We believe in the deity of Jesus Christ, His virgin birth and sinless life, and in the sin pardoning value of Christ's bloodshed and death on the cross, His bodily resurrection from the tomb, His ascension to glory, and His personal and visible return to Earth. We believe in the Present ministry of the Holy Spirit by who's indwelling a Christian is able to live a Godly life.
  • We believe that all people have sinned and come short of the glory of God; and regeneration of the Holy Spirit through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is essential for the salvation of the lost, unbeliever, and sinful person. We believe in the resurrection after death of the saved believer into everlasting life in Heaven, and the resurrection  after death of the lost, unsaved and unbeliever into eternal suffering and punishment. Jesus rose from the dead and ascended into Heaven from where He will return with Power and Glory with which He provided the only provision of salvation for us through God's grace and mercy.
  • We believe that all persons who have received God's gift of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ constitute the Church. The Bible defines the Church as those who have been called out of the world to be God's special people, the Body of Christ and the Bride of Christ. The mission of the Church is both external and internal and includes both word and deed. Externally, the Church is to proclaim the saving grace of Jesus Christ to a sinful humanity and to impact its community for the glory of God as His representatives in the world. Internally, the Church is to teach believers the whole counsel of God which includes encouragement to live a holy life and accountability to one another. All matters of the church are subject to the authority of the word and spirit of God.
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